Tuesday 25 November 2008

Interview with Boo Rang

I would also keep continuing doing some interviews with the Koola Krew, the first I wanted to start with is Boo Rang, Owner of the SL Koola. She is doing such an amazing job at making the Koola a great place to work. She is not only my boss but also one of my best friends and now also my sister in law *giggles* Don't be afraid to IM her at any time she won't bite............hard anyway :p
So lets get this started, this should be verry entertaining haha...........

Trin: Boo what made u decide to open Koola in SL?
Boo: Well I had been in SL for about 4 months when I was starting to get a bit stir crazy, I had been to many great clubs in SL and enjoyed the whole club scene and wanted to get involved myself. It was during this time that I thought of the Koola concept, replicating a RL club in SL and streaming direct. I was very lucky that Ian at the RL koola did think I was a complete nutter and loved the plan, seeing it as a possible fun Marketing tool for the club. The RL architects then happily got involved liasing with the SL build team, simple IT was put in the club RL and off we went. Blimey why did it not seem that simple at the time lol

Trin: If u had to pick one party u liked the best at Koola what one would it be?
Boo: Well we are so lucky at the Koola, its always been about the music and having fun, so no one party stands out. The best nights are combined with a great DJ a fun crowd oh and maybe the odd pole ;-)

Trin: If u would get married to a superhero wich one would it be and why?
Boo: The Six Million Dollar Man
Because he is battery operated and can turn him off if he got on my nerves

Trin: U got any pets and no the lovebug does not count Boo?
Boo: I have a Meerkat and ofc the love bug counts Trin ;-)

Trin: If u could change anything in SL would u and what?
Boo: Mmmmm good question, that is the joy of SL, most things you can change in here if you want too. Things I'd personally change is the fact that its sooooo addictive :)

Trin: Tell us one thing u never take off in SL?
Boo:I never take off my skin, I look well dodge without it ;-)

Trin: Whats the first thing u notice on a guy? :p
Boo: Where he's got his cam :) (was not the answer she gave me in IM after the interview)

Trin: Tell us a little about ur self and ur family?
Boo: Well I'm very lucky to have the most wonderful friends and family. The Koola family plus awsome SL brothers Joca and CVC and the sexiest Sister in Law Trinity, why she married my bro i'll never know. As for me just IM me, I love to talk :)

Trin: What is ur favorite tune and by who?
Boo: Sunshine on a Rainy Day- Zoe

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