Friday 2 January 2009

OMG What A Thursday!!

Hope u all made it in the new year ok, didn't end up with a huge hang over, and started ur new years resolutions ok :p.
We sure started the New Year with a bang, Honey got a special guest DJ Bridgitte Boucher and omg what amazing tech tunes she threw at us, and did not stop there, great mixing and collecting the tunes, all where happy, and even with a hang over herself she did not miss a beat. What else can u ask for great tunes in the new year, then again why should this year be diff than the last. Thank u Honey for another great DJ u picked and brought to us, u always pick some great ones, and omg 52 people on the sim, great job really, keep it up Honey xoxo. Not much more I can say really check the pics the few I was able to take without crashing, was not even able to dance, so enjoy, and if u ever get the chance to catch this DJ take the opertunity. mwah to all xoxoxo

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