Thursday, 19 March 2009

Whimsical Wednesday

Just another hump day u think? WOW are u wrong u know here it is never boring or the same, lol, well at least not for me (sticks tongue out). Never a dull moment, hehe. Well with my luv doing some major RL gig's I just seem to throw myself more into work, haha. Well if that is posible. I'm always told I work to much and should slow down, but I think it's pretty imposible for me to do, or maybe I don't know how to do it, lmao. Wether I'm in RL or SL it seems I always stay busy with something, and even if I'm not logged on SL I still work on the Blog of try check on some other things, it's a lot of work and try to stay up with it (sticks tongue out). But starting to get a lot more help now, so there is some of the load ofmy shoulders. Ok let me tell ya about the sets we had lined up for u for this hump day.........

First set of the day DJ Mathias Teardrop mixing up some Viva Techno, as he told me, hehe. Still remember the first time I heard Mathias, and let me tell u he has really improved himself a lot since then. Not that he ever was not good, but ya know practice makes perfect (sticks tongue out). The entertainment for this set oooops ok it was me I won't type out my name or u all laugh at me again :p. Would like to appologize to Mathias for being a little late was rushing home from RL work to come host for him on SL and well was about 10 min late, really really sorry. Really did enjoy the set so, as always, hehe.

Next on the decks DJane Mace Cale, mixing us some Electro Minimal. And she does have a sexy voice, she thanked each one on tiping her on voice, hehe. And yes I said it and ya know us girls aren't to shy to admit when another girl is sexy or has a sexy voice, unlike u guys (sticks tongue out), lol, but guess that what makes us different, haha. It was an amazing set, and this is the second time Mace came and blew us out of the water/ocean, lol. Entertaining u again was me but this time had a little help, both ya know who I'm talking about :p. Was so much fun and hope Mace will come back soon to spin for us again :D.

For the first time ever @Koola, but asked him to spin for us each week, DJ Gonguitas Greggan from portugal, mixing us some House/Electro. Great set and loved the tunes, really impressed I must say. Was not the first time I heard Gonguitas, since we do trial our DJ's first each time, but don't mean sometimes I don't leave the Koola to go check out another DJ :p. Many requests and so little time, lol, thank god I get help from Muzeek and Cris for trials quite often, or I would now know what to do, hehe. Entertaining us tonight the sexy little kitten Monyka Mai, or did she change to human again (looks at the pics), oh oh think she did get rid of the tail, lol. Ok I'm a little behind (sticks tongue out). As always did a great job, and always sexy, hehe.

Great sets as always, so hope u did not miss it :p. As always amazing, day and lots of humps, lmao. Really enjoyed my time :p. Talk to u all laterz, xox.

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